
Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Life Lesson #1

Ever treated cough drops like candy?
Never try it if you haven't.

I'll stand corrected if someone can prove to me that some cough drops taste decent, but NEVER suck on a cough drop if your palate is craving candy and you're not sick.

See, cough drops are intended to coat the throat and obviously the mouth. If your throat needs no soothing, don't try to soothe it.

The drop of doom ended up tasting like unripe fruit that makes your mouth pucker and you feel like you got dry cotton stuck to your throat.

Poor Whitney.

She couldn't handle the new consistency in her mouth.

"So gross!"

"It's good for you!" *pat on the head*

The feeling doesn't go away even after you eat the BEST Lindt Dark Chili Chocolate.
Let me repeat: the feeling doesn't go away.

Rahel LOVED the cough drops until the next morning when she woke up with a tickly throat.

(Full Disclosure: Whitney spit the candy out as soon as Rahel left the room.)

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